Packet Tracer - Identify MAC and IP Addresses

Packet Tracer - Identify MAC and IP Addresses 

Part 1: Gather PDU Information
Part 2: Reflection Questions
This activity is optimized for viewing PDUs. The devices are already configured. You will gather PDU information in simulation mode and answer a series of questions about the data you collect.
                      Gather PDU Information
Note: Review the Reflection Questions in Part 2 before proceeding with Part 1. It will give you an idea of the types of information you will need to gather.
                   Gather PDU information as a packet travels from to
a.     Click and open the Command Prompt.
b.     Enter the ping command.
c.     Switch to simulation mode and repeat the ping command. A PDU appears next to
d.     Click the PDU and note the following information from the Outbound PDU Layer tab:
       Destination MAC Address: 00D0:BA8E:741A
       Source MAC Address: 000C:85CC:1DA7
       Source IP Address:
       Destination IP Address:
       At Device: Computer
a.     Click Capture / Forward to move the PDU to the next device.  Gather the same information from Step 1d. Repeat this process until the PDU reaches its destination. Record the PDU information you gathered into a spreadsheet using a format like the table shown below:
              Example Spreadsheet Format
At Device
Dest. MAC
Src IPv4
Dest IPv4
Ping from to
Access Point
                   Gather additional PDU information from other pings.
Repeat the process in Step 1 and gather the information for the following tests:
       Ping from
       Ping from
       Ping from
       Ping from
       Ping from
                      Reflection Questions
Answer the following questions regarding the captured data:
       Were there different types of wires used to connect devices? Yes, copper and fiber
       Did the wires change the handling of the PDU in any way? No
       Did the Hub lose any of the information given to it? No
       What does the Hub do with MAC addresses and IP addresses? Nothing
       Did the wireless Access Point do anything with the information given to it? Yes. It repackaged it as wireless 802.11
       Was any MAC or IP address lost during the wireless transfer? No
       What was the highest OSI layer that the Hub and Access Point used? Layer 1
       Did the Hub or Access Point ever replicate a PDU that was rejected with a red “X”? Yes
       When examining the PDU Details tab, which MAC address appeared first, the source or the destination? Destination
       Why would the MAC addresses appear in this order? A switch can begin forwarding a frame to a known MAC address more quickly if the destination is listed first
       Was there a pattern to the MAC addressing in the simulation? No
       Did the switches ever replicate a PDU that was rejected with a red “X”? No
       Every time that the PDU was sent between the 10 network and the 172 network, there was a point where the MAC addresses suddenly changed.  Where did that occur? It occurred at the Router
       Which device uses MAC addresses starting with 00D0? The Router
       To what devices did the other MAC addresses belong? To the sender and receiver
       Did the sending and receiving IPv4 addresses switch in any of the PDUs? No
       If you follow the reply to a ping, sometimes called a pong, do the sending and receiving IPv4 addresses switch? Yes
       What is the pattern to the IPv4 addressing in this simulation? Each port of a router requires a set of non-overlapping addresses
       Why do different IP networks need to be assigned to different ports of a router? The function of a router is to inter-connect different IP networks.
       If this simulation was configured with IPv6 instead of IPv4, what would be different? The IPv4 addresses would be replaced with IPv6 addresses, but everything else would be the same. Packet Tracer - Connecting a Wired and Wireless LAN

Packet Tracer - Connecting a Wired and Wireless LAN

Addressing Table
IP Address
Connects To
Cable Modem
Port 1
Family PC
Configuration Terminal
Part 1: Connect to the Cloud
Part 2: Connect Router0
Part 3: Connect Remaining Devices
Part 4: Verify Connections
Part 5: Examine the Physical Topology
When working in Packet Tracer (a lab environment or a corporate setting), you should know how to select the appropriate cable and how to properly connect devices. This activity will examine device configurations in Packet Tracer, selecting the proper cable based on the configuration, and connecting the devices. This activity will also explore the physical view of the network in Packet Tracer.

Part 1:     Connect to the Cloud
Step 1:     Connect the cloud to Router0.
a.     At the bottom left, click the orange lightning icon to open the available Connections.
b.     Choose the correct cable to connect Router0 Fa0/0 to Cloud Eth6Cloud is a type of switch, so use a Copper Straight-Through connection. If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable turn green.
Step 2:     Connect the cloud to Cable Modem.
Choose the correct cable to connect Cloud Coax7 to Modem Port0.
If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable turn green.
Part 2:     Connect Router0
Step 1:     Connect Router0 to Router1.
Choose the correct cable to connect Router0 Ser0/0/0 to Router1 Ser0/0. Use one of the available Serial cables.
If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable turn green.
Step 2:     Connect Router0 to netacad.pka.
Choose the correct cable to connect Router0 Fa0/1 to netacad.pka Fa0. Routers and computers traditionally use the same wires to transmit (1 and 2) and receive (3 and 6). The correct cable to choose consists of these crossed wires. Although many NICs can now autosense which pair is used to transmit and receive, Router0 and netacad.pka do not have autosensing NICs.
If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable turn green.
Step 3:     Connect Router0 to the Configuration Terminal.
Choose the correct cable to connect Router0 Console to Configuration Terminal RS232. This cable does not provide network access to Configuration Terminal, but allows you to configure Router0 through its terminal.
If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable turn black.
Part 3:     Connect Remaining Devices
Step 1:     Connect Router1 to Switch.
Choose the correct cable to connect Router1 Fa1/0 to Switch Fa0/1.
If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable turn green. Allow a few seconds for the light to transition from amber to green.
Step 2:     Connect Cable Modem to Wireless Router.
Choose the correct cable to connect Modem Port1 to Wireless Router Internet port.
If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable will turn green.
Step 3:     Connect Wireless Router to Family PC.
Choose the correct cable to connect Wireless Router Ethernet 1 to Family PC.
If you attached the correct cable, the link lights on the cable turn green.
Part 4:     Verify Connections
Step 1:     Test the connection from Family PC to netacad.pka.
a.     Open the Family PC command prompt and ping netacad.pka.
b.     Open the Web Browser and the web address http://netacad.pka.
Step 2:     Ping the Switch from Home PC.
Open the Home PC command prompt and ping the Switch IP address of to verify the connection.
Step 3:     Open Router0 from Configuration Terminal.
a.     Open the Terminal of Configuration Terminal and accept the default settings.
b.     Press Enter to view the Router0 command prompt.
c.     Type show ip interface brief to view interface statuses.
Part 5:     Examine the Physical Topology
Step 1:     Examine the Cloud.
a.     Click the Physical Workspace tab or press Shift+P and Shift+L to toggle between the logical and physical workspaces.
b.     Click the Home City icon.
c.     Click the Cloud icon. How many wires are connected to the switch in the blue rack? 2
d.     Click Back to return to Home City.
Step 2:     Examine the Primary Network.
a.     Click the Primary Network icon. Hold the mouse pointer over the various cables. What is located on the table to the right of the blue rack? Configuration Terminal.
b.     Click Back to return to Home City.
Step 3:     Examine the Secondary Network.
a.     Click the Secondary Network icon. Hold the mouse pointer over the various cables. Why are there two orange cables connected to each device? Fiber cables come in pairs, one for transmit, the other for receive.
b.     Click Back to return to Home City.

Step 4:     Examine the Home Network.
a.     Why is there an oval mesh covering the home network? It represents the range of the wireless network.
b.     Click the Home Network icon. Why is there no rack to hold the equipment? A Home networks typically do not have racks.
c.     Click the Logical Workspace tab to return to the logical topology. Packet Tracer - Explore a Network

Packet Tracer - Explore a Network 

Part 1: Examine Internetwork Traffic at Branch
Part 2: Examine Internetwork Traffic to Central
Part 3: Examine Internet Traffic from Branch
This simulation activity is intended to help you understand the flow of traffic and the contents of data packets as they traverse a complex network. Communications will be examined at three different locations simulating typical business and home networks.
Take a few moments to study the topology displayed. The Central location has three routers and multiple networks possibly representing different buildings within a campus. The Branch location has only one router with a connection to both the Internet and a dedicated wide-area network (WAN) connection to the Central location. The Home Office makes use of a cable modem broadband connection to provide access to both the Internet and to corporate resources over the Internet.
The devices at each location use a combination of static and dynamic addressing. The devices are configured with default gateways and Domain Name System (DNS) information, as appropriate.
Part 1:     Examine Internetwork Traffic at Branch
In Part 1 of this activity, you will use Simulation mode to generate web traffic and examine the HTTP protocol along with other protocols necessary for communications.
Step 1:     Switching from Realtime to Simulation mode.
a.     Click the Simulation mode icon to switch from Realtime mode to Simulation mode.
b.     Verify that ARP, DNS, HTTP, and TCP are selected from the Event List Filters.
c.     Move the slider located below the Play Controls buttons (BackAuto Capture/PlayCapture/Forward) all the way to the right.
Step 2:     Generate traffic using a web browser.
Currently the Simulation Panel is empty. In the Event List at the top of the Simulation Panel there are six columns listed across the heading. As traffic is generated and stepped through, events display in the list. The Infocolumn is used to inspect the contents of a particular event.
Note: The panel to the left of the Simulation Panel displays the topology. Use the scrollbars to bring the Branch location into the panel, if necessary. The panels can be adjusted in size by hovering next to the scrollbar and dragging left or right.
a.     Click the Sales PC in the far left pane.
b.     Click the Desktop tab and click the Web Browser icon to open it.
c.     In the URL field, enter http://branchserver.pt.pta and click Go. Look in the Event List in the Simulation Panel. What is the first type of event listed?
The DNS request for the IP address of branchserver.pt.pta.
d.     Click the DNS info box. In the Out Layers, DNS is listed for Layer 7. Layer 4 is using UDP to contact the DNS server on port 53 (Dst Port:). Both the source and destination IP addresses are listed. What information is missing to communicate with the DNS server?
The Layer 2 information, specifically the destination MAC address.
e.     Click Auto Capture/Play. In approximately 30 to 40 seconds, a window displays, indicating the completion of the current simulation. (Or a window may display indicating that the buffer is full.) Click the View Previous Events button. Scroll back to the top of the list and note the number of ARP events. Looking at the Device column in Event list, how many of the devices in the Branch location does the ARP request pass through?
Each device received an ARP request.

f.      Scroll down the events in the list to the series of DNS events. Select the DNS event that has the “At Device” listed as BranchServer. Click the square box in the Info column. What can be determined by selecting Layer 7 in the OSI Model? (Look at the results displayed directly below In Layers.)
The DNS server receiver a DNS query. The name queried resolved locally.
g.     Click the Outbound PDU Details tab. Scroll to the bottom of the window and locate the DNS Answer section. What is the address displayed?, the address of Branchserver.
h.     The next several events are TCP events enabling a communications channel to be established. Select the last TCP event at device Sales just prior to the HTTP event. Click the colored square Info box to display the PDU information. Highlight Layer 4 in the In Layers column. Looking at item 6 in the list directly below the In Layers column, what is the connection state?
i.      The next several events are HTTP events. Select any one of the HTTP events at an intermediary device (IP Phone or Switch). How many layers are active at one of these devices, and why?
Two layers, because these are Layer 2 devices.
j.      Select the last HTTP event at the Sales PC. Select the uppermost layer from the OSI Model tab. What is the result listed below the In Layers column?
The HTTP client receives a HTTP reply from the server. It displays the page in the web browser.
Part 2:     Examine Internetwork Traffic to Central
In Part 2 of this activity, you will use Packet Tracer (PT) Simulation mode to view and examine how traffic leaving the local network is handled.
Step 1:     Set up for traffic capture to the Central web server.
a.     Close any open PDU Information windows.
b.     Click Reset Simulation (located near the middle of the Simulation Panel).
c.     Type http://centralserver.pt.pta in the web browser of the Sales PC.
d.     Click Auto Capture/Play; in approximately 75 seconds, a window displays, indicating the completion of the current simulation. Click View Previous Events. Scroll back to the top of the list; note that the first series of events are DNS and there are no ARP entries prior to contacting the BranchServer. Based on what you have learned so far, why is this the case?
The sales PC already knows the MAC address of the DNS server.
e.     Click the last DNS event in the Info column. Select Layer 7 in the OSI Model tab.
By looking at the information provided, what can be determined about the DNS results? The DNS server was able to resolve the domain name for centralserver.pt.pta.
f.      Click the Inbound PDU Details tab. Scroll down to the DNS ANSWER section. What is the address listed for centralserver.pt.pta?
g.     The next several events are ARP events. Click the colored square Info box of the last ARP event. Click the Inbound PDU Details tab and note the MAC address. Based on the information in the ARP section, what device is providing the ARP reply? The R4 Router, the gateway device.
h.     The next several events are TCP events, once again preparing to set up a communications channel. Find the first HTTP event in the Event List. Click the colored square box of the HTTP event. Highlight Layer 2 in the OSI Model tab. What can be determined about the destination MAC address?
It is the MAC Address of the R4 router
i.      Click the HTTP event at device R4. Notice that Layer 2 contains an Ethernet II header. Click the HTTP event at device Intranet. What is the Layer 2 listed at this device? Frame Relay FRAME RELAY.
Notice that there are only two active layers, as opposed to three active layers when moving through the router. This is a WAN connection, which will be discussed in a later course.
Part 3:     Examine Internet Traffic from Branch
In Part 3 of this activity, you will clear the events and start a new web request that will make use of the Internet.
Step 1:     Set up for traffic capture to an Internet web server.
a.     Close any open PDU information windows.
b.     Click Reset Simulation near the middle of the Simulation Panel. Type http://www.netacad.pta in the web browser of the Sales PC.
c.     Click Auto Capture/Play; in approximately 75 seconds, a window displays, indicating the completion of the current simulation. Click View Previous Events. Scroll back to the top of the list; notice that the first series of events are DNS. What do you notice about the number of DNS events?
There are considerably more DNS events. Because the DNS entry is not local it is forwarded to a server on the Internet.
d.     Observe some of the devices that the DNS events travel through on the way to a DNS server. Where are these devices located? In the Internet Cloud, students should be shown that those devices can be displayed by clicking the cloud and then clicking the Back link to go back.
e.     Click the last DNS event. Click the Inbound PDU Details tab and scroll down to the last DNS Answer section. What is the address listed for www.netacad.pta216.146.46.11
f.      When routers move the HTTP event through the network, there are three layers active in both the In Layers and Out Layers in the OSI Model tab. Based on that information, how many routers are passed through?
There are 3 routers (ISP-Tier3a, ISP-Tier3b and R4), however there are 4 HTTP events travelling through the routers. 
g.     Click the TCP event just prior to the last HTTP event. Based on the information displayed, what is the purpose of this event? To close the TCP connection to
h.     There are several more TCP events listed. Locate the TCP event where the Last Device is IP Phone and the Device At is Sales. Click the colored square Info box and select Layer 4 in the OSI Model tab. Based on the information from the output, what is the connection state set to? Closing